2001 - 2008
I started working in retail during Sixth-Form and continued through to University and Beyond
2008 - 2009
Inspired by Paulo Coelho's 'The Alchemist' I decided to travel again, this time
EARLY 2010
I used to hang the sign (pictured)
Around my neck and walk
The streets of London
Selling postcards on the fly
- Unless I was being chased
Away by the authorities!
2010 - 2012
I found the Backyard Market on one of my many outings
And it was only logical to set up a stall there
I quickly moved from selling Postcard-Size Prints to LimitEditions and Originals
And for the first time began referring to myself as an ‘Artist’
2013 -2014
With an abundance of space and cheap rents, it wasn’t difficult finding a studio
And with the freedom to create whatever I wanted - I did (and more)
At the Funkhaus
Beginning to combine
surfaces collected with
Type, Image, Paint and
Other Materials
day & night
People would often
'Come for a chat'
Leading me to start
Capturing bits of
London (late 2014)
As the work had become increasingly language based during my time in Berlin
I decided to go back to England and pursue avenues there - Back on Brick Lane
'The Conversation Project’ was conceived, allowing me to flourish in more ways than one
2015 - 2016
With the success of
‘The Conversation project’
I was able to put a deposit down
On a space in Camden
Where I was finally able to spread
The last few years of work out -
From Editions and Originals
To new Work/Play everyday!
In Camden
Forced me
To interact
With the public
In ways
I hadn’t
- Slowly
After Camden I continued
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